Asset Management
With the Sandgrain Solution an immutable ID remains with the part/equipment for its entire lifetime. Therefore, the system owner, OEM, supplier and all actors in the equipment supply chain have an overview of all assets that have been produced, are in use, or even (after end-of-life) have ever been used.
As such the SandGrain token is equivalent to a bar-code or QR-code, but without the risk of it being removed or inaccessible. It shows the status of a part at all times, whether active in a machine, in repair, storage or being reused/refurbished.
By means of the hardware token on the asset its status can at all times be verified in the SandGrain cloud platform. The authentication functionality will ensure detection of illegal copies or other anomalies. The OEM can at all time check the actual configuration (HW & FW) of the asset.
- Unique identification of asset
- Authentication of the asset
- Actual status of the asset
- Traceability throughout the lifecycle
- Managed EOL status
- Anti counterfeit
- Reduced service MTTR and DTWP

Safe and secure – no matter what application
We provide a universal authentication platform for any connective device.
Today, cyber-attacks are a real concern. We believe in restoring trust and piece of mind in an ever-changing and expanding Internet-of-Things.
We have created a unique solution that can be applied universally to any connective device within the Internet-of-Things. It combines the best of both worlds: a secure cloud platform linked to a token physically attached to the device.
The secure cloud platform providing state-of-the-art cyber security and required software services.
- Generates, assigns, and issues unique identities for hardware tokens
- Validates authentication requests from tokens in de field.
- State-of-the Art cyber-security
- Infinitely scalable
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Physically Unique ID
An immutable, hardwired, token that cannot be hacked.
- A small IC that can be attached on the end-node of any IoT device
- Immutable and extremely robust
- Unique codes that are hard-coded on the IC using patented SandGrain technology
- Communicates with CyberRock for authentication.
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