Security is key in critical infrastructure
Protect critical infrastructures
Prevent risk of unauthorized access
Protecting a critical infrastructure against such illegal access or hacks always starts with a solid identification and authentication of all end-nodes in such networks. For this, the globally unique hard-coded SandGrain IC-token is the perfect basis to build a solid protection, supporting bothcentral and remote/local supervision of access control to such network end-nodes.
With online access to system control components rapidly increasing, companies delivering their services via “networks” are increasingly vulnerable to remote and illegal access into the operational systems of their networks.
Examples are utility companies such as waterworks and electricity companies (generation & distribution), oil, gas, hydrogen and other fuel delivery systems, but also fixed and wireless communication & data networks.
Undesirable access and even hacks of such critical infrastructures will cause reputational damages to the network operator/owner and can even lead to functional delivery disruptions or complete shut-down of the deliveries of the services, which can have severe consequences for owner-users/consumers-society.

Example applications for this market
The SandGrain Solution utilizes a new approach to strengthen security by combining simple, unique, hard-coded ICs that safeguard the nodes’ identities together with a centralized platform that guarantees the IoT nodes’ authenticity throughout their life-cycle.

Part authentication & provenance

Asset management