With SandGrain Authentication circularity can be guaranteed, making it a great help towards a cost-effective solution for a more sustainable future.
Because only verified original components can be used:
- The full life-cycle of these components can be followed.
- This makes the machines easier and cheaper to service.
- Because the history is known, it becomes simple and more cost-effective to refurbish them.
- At the End-of-Life of a machine, all its authenticated components are still fully traceable, this makes for better and safer harvesting of parts and a larger chance of (full) recyclability.
This makes for a better life-cycle management from beginning to end, and provides an easy to integrate solution for significantly improved sustainability.

Safe and secure – no matter what application
We provide a universal authentication platform for any connective device.
Today, cyber-attacks are a real concern. We believe in restoring trust and piece of mind in an ever-changing and expanding Internet-of-Things.
We have created a unique solution that can be applied universally to any connective device within the Internet-of-Things. It combines the best of both worlds: a secure cloud platform linked to a token physically attached to the device.
The secure cloud platform providing state-of-the-art cyber security and required software services.
- Generates, assigns, and issues unique identities for hardware tokens
- Validates authentication requests from tokens in de field.
- State-of-the Art cyber-security
- Infinitely scalable
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Physically Unique ID
An immutable, hardwired, token that cannot be hacked.
- A small IC that can be attached on the end-node of any IoT device
- Immutable and extremely robust
- Unique codes that are hard-coded on the IC using patented SandGrain technology
- Communicates with CyberRock for authentication.
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