Cyber security at home
Peace of mind
Safe connectivity and prevention of unauthorised access
What used to be an embedded system got connected to the internet and has replicated beyond control. IoT devices, whether for consumers or businesses have become omnipresent to the extent we are barely aware of where they are and how exactly they are affecting our lives and businesses. Not only steering mobile or stationary devices in our homes, outside or in manufacturing, but they also collect and process masses of data and communicating their acquired knowledge to optimistically a trusted source or amongst each other. To protect consumers US Federal Government or individual States as well as the European Union have started to adopt legislation, but as usual it can barely keep up with the technological evolution and hence the amount of real security offered is below par. Besides adhering to this new legislation, manufacturers of IoT devices have the additional challenge of remotely updating the (firmware of the) IoT device which is a well-known attack vector. To be sure your IoT device is doing and communicating what it should supposed to do, strong authentication of it becomes a first essential building block.

Example applications for this market
The SandGrain Solution utilizes a new approach to strengthen security by combining simple, unique, hard-coded ICs that safeguard the nodes’ identities together with a centralized platform that guarantees the IoT nodes’ authenticity throughout their life-cycle.

Part authentication & provenance

Counterfeit and IP-protection