Protect your medical equipment assets
Value optimisation of medical assets
Maximum traceability for compliance
Medical Equipment manufacturers face four main challenges, regulatory compliance, intellectual property protection, cost of development and quality control. And to add, cybersecurity threats are always on the loom when taking a further look at these intertwined challenges. As an essential part of regulatory compliance traceability of parts and authentication of systems and subsystems has become compulsory. How to guarantee the configuration of delivered medical equipment and the authenticity of all its constituent parts coming from a plethora of suppliers? After heavily investing in new product development, to maintain or increase market share, how to be protected against IP theft and counterfeiting? How to ensure the quality, authenticity and confidentiality of collected data?
Uniquely identifying and moreover authenticating every (sub)system, device(part), each sensor or actor, is a key element to address the mentioned challenges. SandGrain offers a cost effective unique hybrid authentication solution based on a hard-coded token and a secure cloud.

Example applications for this market
The SandGrain Solution utilizes a new approach to strengthen security by combining simple, unique, hard-coded ICs that safeguard the nodes’ identities together with a centralized platform that guarantees the IoT nodes’ authenticity throughout their life-cycle.

System configuration management

Counterfeit and IP-protection